Q & A
What inspired you to run for Board Trustee? On that note, what are you hoping to accomplish if elected to the Board of Trustees?
As an educator and community servant, I’ve always had the desire to play a significant role in supporting the academic programming and overall positive development of students. This has been evidenced during my career as a teacher and administrator, as well as through my volunteerism and service at Humble ISD schools and with other Humble area organizations. My desire to seek election to the Board of Trustees is not just by chance or for political gain. It’s something that has developed over time and comes from a genuine desire to effectuate positive change in the school environment. Additionally, with the challenge’s education will certainly face, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will become even more critical to have both an educator’s perspective and voice at the table.
If elected, my goals will include ensuring policies that support the following:
Safety for All Students and Staff
Fiscally responsible decision making
Transparency and community input
Initiatives that retain Quality Staff
Quality Educational Programming for all schools
The aforementioned goals are from a more macro level; however, each of these goals will serve as a guide to my decision-making.
How will you advocate for teachers and staff within Humble ISD? In your opinion, what is important to the teachers and staff within Humble ISD?
I consider active listening as one of my greatest attributes. I will not only advocate for teachers and staff, but also our students, by being an active listener. Oftentimes, leaders or governing boards advocate from a place of what they believe to be needed, not what stakeholders actually need. Active listening, along with other outreach efforts will allow me to more substantially advocate with intention and relevance.
To answer the second part of this question, based on discussions I have had with teachers and other staff in the community, safety (in the context of the current pandemic), training, and the provision of classroom resources are a few of the things that teachers and staff find important to their success.
Tell us your thoughts on how Humble ISD has handled virtual learning, and ideas for virtual learning going forward?
The COVID-19 pandemic pushed has the limits of many organizations, with Humble ISD being no exception. I applaud the Humble ISD Board for embracing such a challenge with so many unknowns. It can’t be easy, especially with little to no warning. I believe the district started in the right direction offering parent choice in terms of instructional delivery (in-person/virtual). However, this dialogue must continue because choice does not always equate to the best solution for all learners. Virtual environments offer limitations, especially when they are not synchronous models that allow virtual students to engage in real-time. Additionally, in many cases this type of environment requires students to have access to devices with certain specifications, as well as home internet, with appropriate speed. For some students, the virtual option presents barriers. For example, a student who is average or struggles in a face-to-face environment, may experience failure or additional academic concerns in a virtual environment that does not offer enough support. In another case, a student may not have internet in the home. We must be cognizant that although choice exists, students that have certain medical vulnerabilities may not have a true option to choose the best academic setting for their learning, due to persistent medical concerns. Given this, it is my belief that board members, as key decision makers, should continue to have this discussion from both a short-term and long-term perspective.
My ideas for virtual learning, moving forward, would be to have the superintendent explore more opportunities across the district to ensure virtual learners have the most effective synchronous opportunities to engage with the classroom. This may include a plan to expand infrastructure, training and development, partnerships, etc.
Other than virtual learning, tell us your thoughts about Humble ISD and the handling of COVID-19, both for teachers and students.
As mentioned, I believe, overall, Humble ISD has made strides in addressing COVID-19. It is my understanding that the district has provided PPE and implemented other protective measures. Despite this, as a board member, I would seek to ensure data reporting is accurate, student protective measures are being effectively enforced, and that decisions are driven by data.
As you look at Humble ISD, are there areas where funds are overspent? What areas would you look at to reduce expenses?
I currently sit on a Board and have had firsthand knowledge on what it takes to develop a budget. With that being said, I am unable to answer this question at this time, with confidence because I don’t have enough firsthand knowledge of the data that went into developing that budget.
During several Board meetings, students and parents have brought up topics around diversity and inclusion. What can Humble ISD do to ensure it is welcoming to students of all backgrounds?
As an educator, I meet all of my students where they are. Just as I mentioned for teachers and staff, we must listen to our students and parents when it comes to diversity and inclusion. While our students have many similarities, we must not be afraid to discuss their differences. If issues continue to arise as it relates to diversity and inclusion, board members have the responsibility to explore these issues, identify a root cause, and take any appropriate action.
Humble ISD has several Title I campuses. How do we ensure that those campuses have the resources needed?
It is my belief that data should drive decision-making in most cases. Specifically, as it relates to Title 1 campuses, this data can include academic performance data, needs assessments, surveys, etc. Once data are disaggregated, then a comprehensive plan should be developed. This plan should include timelines, resources needed, and monitoring metrics to monitor success or lack thereof.
Closing thoughts? Anything you would like to add that we didn’t ask? What can people do (or where can they go) to learn more about you?
Thanks for the opportunity to share my positions with the Humble ISD community.
Facebook: Lonnie Jackson for Humble Independent School District Board of Trustees #4
Website: Under Construction
All the content above was provided by the candidate and is not necessarily the opinion of the administrators of Humble ISD Parents. Other than formatting, we have not made any edits.